Parenting Resources

Your home visitor is a wealth of knowledge and if they don't have exactly what you are looking for, they will help you find it!  Here are some of the resources we use on a regular basis.

The New Parent Guide was developed by members of BabyNet as a voluntary service to our community. The goal is to help families easily connect with as many local resources as they might need in their early parenting journey.  This Guide is meant to serve families who are starting their family, are pregnant, or are parenting kids 0-5 years old.  

BabyNet is an advisory council to the Los Alamos County Health Council of Los Alamos County, New Mexico, USA.

Websites – A website full of information about various topics in child development. - A website created and managed by the American Academy of Pediatrics – Fun, exciting and engaging, everyday activities to help children succeed. –  Resource page provides information concerning how children learn and creative learning ideas to try at home. – Harvard University’s Center on the Developing Child – Information concerning Adverse Childhood Experiences: what they are, how they affect development, and how to avoid them. – Allows parents and caregivers to explore early child development, learning stages and parenting advice and to get information on the stages of growth. – Developmental timeline for children, birth to age 5, including physical, social, learning, and communications development. – Child care search and other resources for finding the best available child care options.

Apps – Mobile information service designed to promote maternal and child health through text messaging. Text BABY (or BEBE for Spanish) to 511411 to receive three free text messages a week, timed to your due date or your baby’s birth date, through pregnancy and up until the baby’s first birthday. The messages address topics such as labor signs and symptoms, prenatal care, developmental milestones, immunizations, nutrition, birth defect prevention, safe sleep, safety, and more. – Website and app offers daily ‘brain builders” – fun and interactive activities that stimulate the baby’s development.


TED Talks: What Do Babies Think? -by Alison Gopnik

Day One Video Series: It Takes a Village to Raise a Child – A video series to help parents discover how to tune into their child from day one, to ask for help and take care of themselves as they embark on their magnificent journey as a family.

Day Two Video Series: A Toddler’s World and You – Picks up where Day One left off, in the world of toddlers. These videos help parents to learn to recognize, name and validate their child’s emotions.

Watch our previous lactation counselor, Kelly Vallejo, in this class on Breastfeeding and Introducing Solid Foods.